We are going to introduce some competitive bowling as well as the social bowling that is taking place at the moment. The committee felt that it would be a good idea to have some bowling that had a little edge, to that end we are going to hold some club competitions.
We feel we just have enough time to manage a selected range of competitions (completing by last weekend September). So, the competitions we are going to run are as follows.
MENS:- 4 bowl singles, 2 bowl singles, pairs.
WOMENS:- 4 bowl singles, 2 bowl singles, pairs.
MIXED:- pairs, open 2 wood singles.
You can enter by adding your name to the lists on the clubhouse notice board, if you can’t get to the clubhouse, contact a committee member and they will take your selection, closing date for entries is the 31st July. Please note because of the limited time available to us we will be strict on the closing date for entries.
Social bowling so far (in this restricted season) has been excellent, everyone has played their part and nearly all our sessions have been fully attended. These competitions, will hopefully add a little more fun to the rest of our season.
Enjoy the rest of the season everyone.